Buff Orpington Started Pullet


Buff Orpington Started Pullets are 32.00 each for a 15 to 22 week old female. MAXIMUM OF 2 PER ORDER ONLY



Buff Orpington Started Pullets are 32.00 each for a 15 to 22 week old female. MAXIMUM OF 2 PER ORDER ONLY
These pullets have been vaccinated for Marek’s disease with no additional charge. 
 These started pullets are fed non gmo from day one. Have human interaction which makes them not as flighty. Have been raised in large areas with other birds, and would be a great addition to your backyard flock.
Buff Orpington chickens originated in England and were recognized by the APA as a pure chicken breed in 1902. These “Golden Chicken Beauties” are a large, stately chicken with a quiet disposition. Buff Orpington chickens are one of the best chickens for eggs and for meat. They are white skinned, plump, and juicy for a great dressed out chicken. The Buff Orpington is one of the best chickens for sale online for dual egg and meat purposes. Many will put their 2 year old chickens in the stew pot and retain the 1 year old hens for laying eggs. Then buy more baby chicks from Cackle Hatchery® to keep the cycle going. This accomplishes the most efficient cost to feed ratio to raise chickens. Even though the Buff Orpington chicken is a very heavy and large bird, this does not always mean the bigger the hen the larger the egg. Buff Orpington make excellent broody mothers for baby chicks. We hope you enjoy the Buff Orpington chicken as much as we do. Click here to view our guarantee on Started Pullets. We do not offer reshipments for these birds only a refund of the bird cost.