Silver Laced Cochin Standard (Male)
Silver Laced Cochin Standard chickens are a massive Asiatic breed covered with an extraordinary abundance of soft, fluffy, feathers. The Silver Laced Cochin has a distinctive and beautiful black and white lacing feather pattern, making for a beautifully laced bird from tip to toe. They have a bright red, single comb, along with red wattles, earlobes, and a red patch around the eyes. Silver Laced Cochin chicks are black with white streaks down the back and white or light yellow on the wing tips, legs, and toes. They have single combs and feathered feet and legs. These large, feather-footed birds have an excellent disposition making them a good choice for pets, and they weather the cold well. Cochin hens are fair cream/brown egg layers, and good setters. Approx. 120-160 Cream/Brown Eggs/Yr. | Mature Wt.: Male 11# Female 8.5#
- Poultry Show Class: Asiatic Class
- Weights: Hen: 8 1/2 lbs. Rooster: 11 lbs.
- Purpose and Type: Ornamental & Meat
- Color of Egg Shell: Cream/Brown
- Egg Production: 120-160 eggs per year
- Egg Size: Medium-Large
- Temperament: Docile
- Broody: Setter
- Country of Origin – Asia